Machine and Cognition (MAC) Smart
Welcome to the Center for Cognitive Computing
The Center for Cognitive Computing is a research center established in Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad. The center is involved in research, teaching and imparting training through seminars, workshops, summer/winter short term courses and semester long term courses in the field of Cognitive Computing including but not limited to Computer Vision, Language and Image Processing, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Biometrics, and Bioinformatics. CCC has incorporated multiple Research Labs, Professors, more than 20 Ph.D. Students and many M.Tech and U.G. Students.
Welcome to IIIT Allahabad
Living and learning are intimately interwined at IIIT-A. Extra-curricular programmes, organizations, performances, forums and athletics beckon students, faculty and staff as well as neighbours from the communities around us.
© Center of Cognitive Computing